HuangHua Risen CorrStop Ltd.

PVC Powder and Coated Wire Mesh

FBE Powder MMO Grid Anode Isolating Joint Sacrificial Anode

Grounding Cell

Reference Electrode Deep Groundbed Anode Pin Brazing Machine Concrete Rebar CP

Cathodic Protection Materials Catalogue

Cathodic Protection with MMO Grid Anode for AST.



  1. MMO Ribbon:Corr-Tape I 系列

    Mixed Metal Oxide Coating on Ti 
    CP Grade Series
    Corr-Tape I:6.35mm x 0.635mm

    Corr-Tape II:12.7mm x 0.635mm

    Corr-Tape III:12.7mm x 0.635mm

  2. Conductor Bar Corr-Stds Bar

    CP Grade Series

    Corr-Sub-Bar; 0.9mm x 12.7mm
    Corr-Stds-Bar;1.0mm x 15mm

    Corr-Sup-Bar; 1.0mm x 30mm


  3. Power Feeder ConnectorCorr-Feed Cnnt; Corr-Feed Rod.

  4. Permanent Reference CellCorr-Cell/ref 801; Corr-Cell/ref 802, Corr-Cell/ref 803.

  5. Junction Box( Corr-Stds-JBX):

  6. Transformer/Rectifier (Corr-T/R xxxx):